%A NIM. 07620001 MUHAMMAD IQBAL FAHMI FADHILLAH %O Pembimbing : Dr. Agus Sukarto W, M.Eng %T STUDI DESAIN SENSOR TERMOKOPEL TIPE K DAN KARAKTERISTIKNYA UNTUK ALAT DIFFERENTIAL THERMAL ANALYSIS (DTA) %X Has made the design of K-type thermocouple sensor for Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) tools using a variety sample diameter sizes of the thermocouple wire and thermocouple head shapes and sizes with different speed of heating time and different power of soft start. The experimental results obtained were processed manually with Microsoft Excel then characterized its linearity. The results showed that the diameter of the thermocouple wire, the speed of heating time on PID control, thermocouple head shape, and strength power of soft start on power supply affect the response of the thermocouple temperature and the best design used to read the temperature response of the thermocouple diameter is 0.6 mm with round head diameter 1.5 mm and is set at a speed of 20 °C/sec and 0 % on soft start. Keywords: K-Type thermocouples and sensor characteristics. %D 2014 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib13751