%0 Journal Article %A A. SAID HASAN BASRI, - %D 2013 %F digilib:13936 %J WELFARE JURNAL ILMU KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL, VOL.2, NO.1, JUNI 2013 %K Key words: Land Liberation, Conflict and Resolution %T ANALISIS KONFLIK PEMBEBASAN TANAH DAN RESOLUSINYA DI BALIK MEGA PROYEK JEMBATAN SURAMADU ( WELFARE JURNAL ILMU KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL, VOL.2, NO.1, JUNI 2013 ) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/13936/ %X The genesis of government policy dealing with the big project of Suramadu bridge reconstruction and Madura industrialization had impacted society, especially the people of Madura who had been involved to this big project directly or indirectly. Moreover, in certain direction, the realization of this big project had provoked polemic and conflict between government as “Ratoh” (through it’s agent: PEMDA) and Scholar of Islam BASSRA as a “Guruh”, and the owner of land who are affected by that big project. This article reconstructs the event of land liberation conflict by trying to analyze the conflict dynamics perspective (social identity, culture, prejudice, equity, connection) and conflict escalation. Beside that, this article also analyzes the Scholar of Islam strategy in the making of resolution of the land affairs conflict to the society in the surrounding of Suramadu bridge reconstruction.