relation: title: Wanita Mesir dalam Novel Al-Thulathiyah Karya Najib Mahfuz : Sebuah Tinjauan Strukturalisme Genetik creator: Bermawy Munthe, 993126 subject: Sosiologi description: Based on a genetic structuralism theory that attempts to study the text and background of al-Thulathiyah (a novel): Bain al-Qasrain, Qasr al-Shauq and al-Sukkariyah as an icon of modern literature, a medium of thoughts, and a perspective of a grouping world that ties the thoughts of Najib Mahfuz on Women, it is apparent that the background of Najib Mahfuz’s thoughts is bound by the middle class of Egyptian intellectuals with nationalism perspective, freedom and modernism, especially about women. Najib Mahfuz’s concerns on women are a historical response to enlighten women by reviewing their functions and roles constituted in a cultural strategy. He questions again the existence of Egyptian women posed in his structured novel that illustrates the changes of three generations from the twentieth to the fortieth decades within the 20th century whose background is historical social structure. He describes one new world perspective particularly in middle class women reflecting the Egyptian society. Historic, social, and political condition on women as being the background of a process of creating Najib Mahfuz as obviously seen in theme message and characterization in novel al-Thulathiyah is all about social chaos, politics and women’s social transformation that occurred after Egypt received its independence and Egypt’s revolution in 1919. These conditions affect society’s dynamics reflecting the battle between Egyptian nationalism and colonizers, England and Turkey. In the other side, there is a dynamics in the way of thinking from the traditional groups that keep holding their past inheritance values to the modern groups tending to freedom and western life style. The Perspective of group world that ties the thoughts of Najib Mahfuz about women and historical, social and political conditions that has happened have influenced the structuring of al-Thulathiyah that is manipulated in a friction of social group perspective, that is, traditional perspective and modern perspective seen in the theme and characters. Al-Thulathiyah is considered as the peak of Najib Mahfuz’s literary work in the era of realism that materially shows symmetric relationship between symbolism of textual internal structure esthetics and Egyptian historical facts. This work presents a description of a complete social condition as a synthesis from group world perspective and social classes in Egyptian history from its author’s social environmental background. This study finds that Najib Mahfuz gives at least three alternatives of synergic cultural strategy to upgrade women evolutionarily, assertively, and persuasively although under the pressure of cultural structure and education. First, it is evolutionarily and gradually, meaning that women’s changes and development are through three phases that do not cause fights. It is believed that the women’s changes and development in the first phase of generation is one stage of strategic planning design. The second phase is that one of women’s efforts to obtain chances of enlightening though, in fact, it is limited. The second generation lives between doubt and certainty as well as between traditional and modern customs. Women’s developmental certainty and changes happens in the third generation after they get chances of wider enlightening. Second, Najib Mahfuz judges that cultural strategy of women’s changes is supported by assertives and persuasive approaches even though the changes are under the pressure of cultural structure and custom. Dialog is one alternative way that favors the emergence of Egyptian women’s development, that is, dialog interganeration based on parallel relationship and using an assertive language. He judges that women’s mission is bringing inside love, empathy, and appreciation to human beings assertively and persuasively. Third, Najib Mahfuz judges the women’s changes of Egyptian women as absoluteness through education although it faces many challenges and abstacles from traditional perspective. For him, a chance to get a higher level of education is a need for women for the sake of their future life. According to Najib Mahfuz, educational vision is a bridge of changes although opportunities are not open widely yet for the Egyptian third generation women. Women are the first teacher for children in family as the smallest institution in society. Women play a very imprtant role as the source and media of enlightening although the struggle to achieve the opportunity of education is at risk. Najib Mahfuz judges that the meaning of education, especially the higher level of education such as university level, for women is one key to build changes in the new society of Egypt that is more progreesed and civilized. The more educated a women is, the higher awareness is. The new characteristic of Egyptian women is being confident in the various roles of life, family and society. Meanwhile, the major mission of Egyptian women is to spread nationalism ideas (wataniyah qaumiyah), freedom (taharruriyah), and modernism (tajdidiyah)for all women openly and widely. The measurement of a educated women’s success is thatehen she has characteristics of nobleness, toughness, and courage as the basis of vision to progress Egyptian women to a better condition toward the country and nation. date: 2007-09-26 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: Bermawy Munthe, 993126 (2007) Wanita Mesir dalam Novel Al-Thulathiyah Karya Najib Mahfuz : Sebuah Tinjauan Strukturalisme Genetik. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_phd" not defined] thesis, Pasca Sarjana.