%A NIM. 10130085 WINDARTO SUMARYANTO %O Pembimbing : Marwiyah, S. Ag, SS. M. Lis %T PENGOLAHAN KOLEKSI TERBITAN BERKALA DI PERPUSTAKAAN AKPER NOTOKUSUMO YOGYAKARTA %X Final project report aims to describe the processing of collections in the library periodical AKPER Notokusumo Yogyakarta. This research is descriptive research. Method of collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation. Of this final project reports can be inferred that the stages for processing collections of periodicals in the library requires a lengthy examination stage, giving the stamp of ownership, registration card, the control stick in the bag card magazine/journal, making cards magazine/journal, scientific journal publications to download the abstract of each article, scans For Publication of scientific Journals, updating the bibliographic data input in a database program on the Senayan serial Library Management System (SliMS), and the latter serves a magazine/journal on the shelf display. From the author of the final project report suggested to add to the display shelf collection magazine/journal is more representative in order to display the representation becomes more attractive and make an attractive cover for any Journal/magazine that is bound. %K Keywords: processing of collections, periodical, AKPER Notokusumo %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib14403