%A NIM. 10140055 WAHYU SRI KHOTIMAH %O Pembimbing : Dr. Tafrikhuddin, S.Ag., M.Pd %T PERANAN TAMAN BACAAN MASYARAKAT MATA AKSARA SEBAGAI SUMBER BELAJAR MASYARAKAT TEGALMANDING YOGYAKARTA %X The purpose of this research is to understand The Role of “Mata Aksara” Community Reading Garden as Learning Resource for Society of Tegalmanding Yogyakarta. This research explains the role that Community Reading Garden Tegalmanding Yogyakarta has which is including as a place to develope reading interest, a place to introduce and preserve the culture, and as a place for volunteer work and obligatory social action intership for advanced university students. This research uses the qualitative method that uses observation, interview and documentation as its method of data collection. Data analysis used in this research is theory of Miles and Huberman model that consists of four step, namely data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. This research uses triangulation and member check for validity and reliability examination. The result of this research shows that “Mata Aksara” Community Reading Garden has three roles, namely first, the place for developing reading interest by programs such as book practice to work, Mata Aksara Writting School, Mata Aksara School Partner and circumdriven. Second, the place for introduction and preservation of culture by programs such as creating batik, singing traditional song, and preserving traditional games. Third, the place for volunteer work and obligatory social action intership for advanced university students that will to evolve their ability, especially in library and society field. Four, the public resource center to supply information nedds for community. Based on the result of this research, the researcher recommend the management of Mata Aksara Community Reading Garden to increase the number of organizer, upgrade and continue activities that has been established before. %K Key Words: Community Reading Garden, Learning Resources %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib14405