TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing : Drs. Latiful Khuluq, MA., BSW., Ph.D. ID - digilib14479 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/14479/ A1 - NURJANAH , NIM. 1220011024 Y1 - 2014/09/31/ N2 - Nowadays, there and so many problems that faced by school library. The problems are due to financial, human resources and mindset of school library running it self. A school library becomes one of important parts in the school educational system. This integral institution of learning material sources for school community. In fact, part of school educational system has an important role in supporting the successfull of educational process. One of the important roles of school library is becoming a providing many school libraries face some problems in running their activities. One of them is the school library of SMP N 3 Mertoyudan. Those problems lead to uneffective management in running the school library and should be solved soon to run the school library well. The problems formulation of this research are: what are the problems faced by SMP N 3 Mertoyudan, and how are the solutions of those problems. Based on the problem formulations above, this research is aimed to state some problems faced by the school library of SMP N 3 Mertoyudan and find out their solutions. This research belongs to a qualitative research in the form of a case study. The data are collected from interview, observation, and documentation. Some problems faced in the school library of SMP N 3 Mertoyudan are school budget, out of order of its properties, unoptimum management of library collections, lack of librarian services, unappropriate of collection development with the need of library and curriculum, minimum awareness of the school leader and school community toward the existence of a library as the integral part of school educational system. After conducting the research, the solutions for school library of SMP N 3 Mertoyudan which are recomended by a researcher are the use of CSR program as alternative in soving budget problem, the support of school community and the use of information technology, based management in running school library. PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA KW - Keywords: school library and case study. M1 - masters TI - PROBLEMATIKA PERPUSTAKAAN SEKOLAH (STUDY KASUS DI SMP NEGERI 3 MERTOYUDAN KABUPATEN MAGELANG) AV - restricted ER -