@phdthesis{digilib14485, month = {August}, title = {ZUHUD DALAM PERSPEKTIF AL-PALIMBANI (1704 M/1116 H-1789 M/1203 H) (KAJIAN KITAB SAIR AL-S{\=A}LIK{\=I}N IL{\=A} ?IB{\=A}DAH RABB AL-?{\=A}LAM{\=I}N) }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 08.3.697 ? BR PIRHAT ABBAS }, year = {2014}, keywords = {Keywords: Asceticism (Zuhud), al-Palimbani, and Sair as-Salikin ila 'lbadah Rabb al' Alamin }, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/14485/}, abstract = {This dissertation discusses asceticism in ai-Palimbani's perspective, which is assessed through the book Sair as-Salikin i/a 'lbadah Rabb a/- 'Alamin. To date the book is still widely used by several study groups, such as tliose of Sufism or congregation, either in Indonesia OJ"other Southeast Asian countries. Al-Palimbani was an Indonesian Sllfi who bad closer thought to {\texttt{\char126}}hazali, evidenced by the use of a lot of references to ai-Ghazali in his book. AJ-Ohazali was one of the Sunni Sufism t:igures of extreme asceticism. However, the view at ai-Palimbani's ideas and thought of asceticism in the book shows that be does not fully follow al-Ghazali's. h1.b.is work, be quotes not only from al- GhazaJi's books but also from other books of Sufism. In this study, tbe writer wants to see al-Palimbani's views of asceticism different from those of other ascetics and how his views on asceticism in the book are. In. oonstructing the ideas tc answer lhe problems, tbe writer uses the content analysis method to see ai-Palimbani's ascetic views in the book, with philological and descriptive analytical approaches. From the study, it is found that asceticism nature is leaving something loved and turning aY.tay from it to something more than it Asceticism has advantages, namely motivating us to do good deeds; exciting us for doing charity; avoiding us from envying people's happiness; and making U!i acquire spiritual enlightenment, loved by God, and have tich heart. Asceticism levels are the beginner level of leaving the forbidden, the mid-level of Leaving the forbidden as well as the pennissible, and the highest level of leaving the pennissible without any force and not looking for something that does not have any good. Asceticism types may cove:r food, clothing, shelter, household utensils, marriage, wealth, and splendor asceticism. The signs of asceticism are being not happy with what is possessed and not sad with its absence, feeling just equal while praised and criticized, having obedient heart to Allah and possessing wild heart with the world. In conclusion, asceticism is an integral part of Sufism. Sufism is part ofislamic thought that discusses, examines, analyzes, and. describes asceticism, so a variety of opinions are thus found. They have differences and similarities. Theo difference is an academic contribution and shows the dynamics, and the dynamics demonstrates the breadth of the intellectual treasures cf ls1amic thought. } }