%A NIM. 023243/S3 Basuki %T Dinamika Pendidikan Islam Syarekat Islam di Jawa Tengah (Studi Kasus Pendidikan Islam Syarekat Islam di Kota Surakarta dan Kabupaten Banjarnegara Tahun 1980/1981 – 2004/2005) %X This study on the dynamics of Islamic Syarekat education aims to investigate how the dynamics itself is seen from philosophy and thoughts toward education, the condition of institutional development, barrier and enabler factors, prospects, and educational model of Islamic Syarekat in Central Java, especially in Surakarta and Banjarnegara for those become the study sites from the academic years of 1980/1981 to 2004/2005. The method used is qualitative supported by data collection using observation, interview, and documentation. Data are gathered from principals, head principals, management of school organizations, figures from Islamic Syarekat organization, and apparatuses in educational and religious affairs departments. Data validity test uses credibility test, transferring test, reformation test, dependency test, and assurance test. The approach used is historical approach with management theory by Johnson stating that in an organizational management process for business, government, or education, it is evident that human and material resources are mixed to achieve the shared goals. The purpose of this study is to take advantage of how Islamic Syarekat manages education in Central Java based on the data taken from the academic year of 1980/1981, because in those years there was a study in Balitrohag, Central Java, which becomes the baseline data for this study. Surakarta is chosen as the study site because it is where Islamic Syarekat was born but ironically educational institutions in this place are not developed well. On the contrary, Banjarnegara as a suburban area has developed education institutions based on Islamic Syarekat well. The result taken from the study shows several things as follows: 1. From philosophical side, Islamic Syarekat education currently places Islam, Pancasila, and UUD 1945 as its bases and from frame of educational thoughts it places Moslem National Onderwijs, UU No. 20 year 2003 on National Educational System and PP No. 19 year 2005 on Thought Standard and Educational Implementation. 2. Seen from the dynamics of institutional development and the quantity of number of schools in Surakarta, there is a decrease from 8 schools in the academic year of 1980/1981 to 6 schools in the academic year of 2004/2005. In contrast, there is an increase of school numbers in Banjarnegara from 196 in the academic year of 1980/1981 to 227 in the academic year of 2004/2005. Seen from quality side, based on the 8 Education National Standards, there are 3 schools in Surakarta and 7 schools in Banjarnegara that have fulfilled Educational National Standard. 3. The dynamics of Islamic Syarekat education in Surakarta and Banjarnegara is affected by two factors, enablers and barriers. Some enabler factors are historical, geographical, and social condition of society factors whereas the barrier factor is conflicts within organization that frequently happen. 4. Seen from model and prospect sides, there is a skill development program in 7 Schools of Banjarnegara by strengthening religion education and guiding the cadres (School Plus). Unfortunately, there is no similar program in three schools of Surakarta. It means that the prospect is much better to happen in Banjarnegara than in Surakarta. The suggestions that can be made are that it can become an input for the government on the existence of private schools so that the government can rearrange educational policy systems and that Islamic Syarekat organization can give inputs for the organization itself by giving a good example to what has happened in Central Java to make get a better future for this organization. This study is supposed to give a broader knowledge for everyone to see the Islamic education especially in central Java. %D 2007 %K Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Islam, Syarekat Islam %I Pasca Sarjana %L digilib14495