%A NIM. 87082/S3 Fauzan Naif %T Ahli Syariat dan Ahli Mistik dalam Tradisi Jawa (Telaah atas Serat Centhini Latin) %X Al-Ouran states that human beings are the possession of Allah and will return to Him at last (al-Baqarah [2]:156). There are some ways taken by Islam followers (Moslems) to worship and surrender their life to Allah. Some take for granted to what is said and guided by Allah and His prophets but some are not satisfied with those fixed guidance and take some alternatives one of which is a way of tasawwuf (mystical way). Both trends tend to bear two different genres in Islam namely followers of syari'at (pure Islam) and followers of mystics in Islamic community including Islamic community in Java. Facts show that, in Indonesia, Islam firstly came not to the pagan community but to a community that had a tradition of Hindu and Buddha developed well for centuries. This made Islam adapt to the condition already planted strongly jn community's heart. The absorption and influence mutually occurred between Islam and the religions and beliefs having already existed. To some extent, there emerged a community that accepted the blending of Islamic-Javanese teaching and value, a community that wanted to defend the pureness of Islam (syari'at followers), and a community who chose a mystical way as a combination between Islam and Javanese mystics (mystical followers). Relationship, blending and friction occurring between the followers of syari'at and Javanese mystics have been one out of central themes in Javanese culture and literature. Story of Seh Siti Jenar and Pangeran Panggung are two examples of the mingling and friction between those two religious communities. Javanese literary works containing this central theme are such as Darmogandul, Serat Cabolek and Serat Centhini. The latter is then considered as a Javanese monumental and spectacular literary work seen from both its thickness of the book and its various content so that it is commonly known as a Javanese cultural encyclopedia. This study entitled: Syari'at and Mystical followers in Javanese Tradition (an Analysis on Serat Centhini Latin) used penghulu as syari'at followers figure and Seh Amongraga as the mystical follower figure. Based on data found and analysis used, Serat Centhini Latin does respect and look up Seh Amongraga in one side but look down penghulu in the other side. Mystics is put one level higher than syari'at and this hierarchal positon becomes the model of their relationship. In addition, from the analyses on the same theme previously done, there are two different conclusions drawn from various arguments; those are, first, Serat Centhini prioritizes mystics (Pigeaud and Drewes) and, second, Serat Centhini emphasizes on the importance of syari'at (S. Soebardi). The writer of this study summarizes and combines both arguments that Serat Centhini looks at syari'at and mystics equally. It can be said that Serat Centhini is ambivalence toward both syari'at and mystics. Arguments and opinions in .Serat Centhini are strongly illustrated by the unification and the blending of Seh Amongrogo into Sultan Agung as a syari'at follower figure, meaning that mystics (wiji nugraha) blends into syari'at (wadhah sakalir). Both are considered to be important and inseparable as both are dependent upon one another. This is a model that united syari'at and mystics in a single frame. What had been made by the authors of Serat Centhini was a way to harmonize syari'at and mystics, with a consideration of the decreased image of palace and the rapid and fast growing of Islam outside the palace. This effort is not only beneficial in the era when Serat Centhini was written, but also in the following eras for the sake of Javanese religious life. %D 2007 %K Kata Kunci : Syariat, Mistik, Serat Centhini, Tradisi Jawa %I Pasca Sarjana %L digilib14497