%A NIM. 973083 NURMAN SAID %O Promotor : Prof. Dr. H. Sunyoto Usman %T MASYARAKAT MUSLIM MAKASSAR: STUDI TENTANG POLA-POLA INTEGRASI SOSIAL ANTARA MUSLIM PAGAMA DENGAN MUSLIM SOSSORANG %X This study aims at illustrating the relation between religious understanding and its implementation in one side and the patterns of social integration among the muslim community of Makassar that is between those who are categorized true muslims known as pagama and those who do not consistently practice Islamic teaching knows as sossorang (nominal) muslims in the other side. Exploring this social-religious phenomenon, this study tries to gather information regarding the position of the religious understanding and its practices as exposed in the daily life of the people of Makassar as significant data needed by the writer to be able to identify the nature of their religious accomplishment as muslims. Working on this matter, the writer tries to examine the tendencies of social inclination of each group regarding their religious understanding and its implementations or practices as manifested in the patterns of social integration between the religious muslims (pagama) and the nominal one (sossorang). Technique of collecting data was done through both observation and interview. Information collected through observation was done either by taking part in certain social activities carried out by the community knows as participant observation or by observing the processes of social integration of the community without being involved in the activities. In addition to this technique, the researcher conducted depth interview with numbers of respondents, most of which were purposively selected from researched community and some others with several informants who understand the nature of social life of the people of Makassar. All collected data were analyzed by applying functional theory assuming community as an organism where each social unit has its own function in the community and has to support each other on the basis of social conciousness of mutual assistance. As religious-social study, thos research made use of several academic approaches namely theological, historical, and social approaches. Theological or religious approach was esed to understand the tendency of religious understanding and practices of the community as the fundamental element in the life of the people of Makassar. Historical approach was used to understand the reality of the religious-social behavior of the pepole of Makassar as historical facts closely related with the dynamic of the social life in accordance with the dynamic of human’s life. Sociological approach was used to understand the religious behavior of the community of Makassar as social expression of their social life. The conclusion of this researchindicates that integrative-social relations between the religious muslims (pagama) in one side and the nominal muslims (sossorang) in the other one indicates the necessity of fostering social integrationamongthe Makassar as the manifestation of their cultural system through which every individual and group in the community of Makassar have to maintain harmonious relations among their fellow ethnic based on the sense of brethren as one big family of Makassar as explicitly stated in the Makassar term paraikatte supported by the sense of brotherhood based on the likeness or the uniformity of their faith as muslim known as ukhuwwah Islamiyah (Islamic brotherhood) have made the Makassar as one community who have a very strong sense of social solidarityamong them. The different tendencies of religious understandings and practices employed by the pagama muslims in one side and the sossorang muslims in another side has contributed to the polarization of social relation between them in their social life. Fanaticism of religious group in the community of Makassar has promoted the tendency of exclusivism which in turn may lead to the process of improving social discrepancy among different groups in the respected community. The spirit of tolerance needed to enable eachmember of the community to accept and respect different religious understanding and practices based on Islamic teachings has not been fully implemented in their social life and therefore need to be introduced to them continuously and systematically. The social relation coloring the interaction between the pagama muslims and the sossorang one or between the same member of respective groups has to be seen as the expression of their commitment to implement their cultural system known as panngadakkang that has been rooted deeply in their social life. This research implies that both cultural identity and religious identity complement and strengthen each other in everyday life of the people of Makassar. The acceptance of Islam as an integrated component of panngadakkang in addition to the commitment to the tradition practiced by the Makassar from one generation to another in their daily life have made the individuals as well as the social groups of this sub-ethnic group of the Bugis able to develop social activities on the basis of strong social solidarity among them regardless their different inclinations of religious understanding and practices. Social solidarity that has strongly tied the relations among different groups in the Muslim community of Makassar has manifested in various patterns of social integration among them covering kinship pattern, economic interdependency pattern, patron-client pattern, and the resemblance of Islamic faith. Both groups, the pagama muslims and the sossorang muslims have tried to accept and respect each other regardless their different religious understandings and practices by making use of these patterns of social integrations. %K Masyarakat Islam Makasar, Sosiologi Islam, Muslim Pagama, Muslim Sossorang. %D 2007 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib14547