%A NIM. 07730075 ARUM TEST WINING HANDANI %O Pembimbing : Fatrna Dian Pratiwi, M. Si %T PENGARUH KINERJA PUBLIC RELATIONS DAN CUSTOMER RELATIONS MANAGEMENT TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN RUMAH SAKIT ISLAM SURAKARTA “YARSIS” %X Hospital as a health institution, where the health care problem that most often gets complaints from the public. Complaints from the public are usually caused by abnormalities and errors of society is usually caused by the negligence or fault of health workers in hospitals proficiency level in delivering services to the community in this case is the patient. Description of the background of the above problems, the problems that can be formulated is Is there a performance effect on customer satisfaction PR Rumah sakit Islam Surakarta? Is there any influence on customer satisfaction Customer Relationship RS Rumah sakit Islam Surakarta? Are there influences the performance of the PR and Customer Relationship satisfaction Rumah Sakit Islam Surakarta? From the results of this data analysis it can be concluded Instruments questions in the questionnaire all valid and reliable. T-test related PR performance (X1) to the Customer Satisfaction (Y) obtained the results of 2,583 t count> t table = 1.985 then Ho is rejected, it means that there is significant relationship between homework performance (X1) to the Customer Satisfaction Surakarta Islamic Hospital (Y). T-test related Customer Relationship Management (X2) on Customer Satisfaction (Y) obtained results of 4.944 t > t table 1.985 then Ho is rejected, it means that there is a significant effect between Customer Relationship Management (X2) on Customer Satisfaction Surakarta Islamic Hospital (Y ). Calculate the F test results prove that the performance of PR (X1), and Customer Relationship Management (X2) berpengatuh together towards customer satisfaction (Y). By using SPSS data processing, it can obtain the value of F calculated = 52.941> F table = 3.09, then Ho is rejected, meaning together a significant difference between the performance of PR (X1), and Customer Relationship Management (X2) on Customer satisfaction Surakarta Islamic Hospital (Y). The test results of coefficient of determination (R2) obtained results of determination coefficient of 0.512. This means that 51.2% customer satisfaction is the dependent variable (Y) is strongly influenced by the independent variable PR performance (X1), and Customer Relationship Management (X2) and the remaining 48.8% is influenced by other factors beyond the studied variables. As the donation of materials for the development of the Hospital in time to come, with the author convey this suggestion PR Better performance is always enhanced by providing education and training for human resources in charge of Public Relations so that customer satisfaction can be maintained and increased. Customer Relationship Management should be improved by structuring and preparation of management programs that fit and appropriate when used in the hospital so that the customers are satisfied with the services in the hospital. %K Keywords: customer relationship, customer satisfaction, Performance PR %D 2014 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib14682