%A NIM 10.35.003/S3 ABDURROHIM %O Promotor : Prof. Dr. H. Hamruni, M.Si. dan Bapak M. Agus Nuryatno, M.A., Ph.D %T IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM PESANTREN: KAJIAN KONSEP IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA DI PESANTREN HIDAYATULLAH BALIKPAPAN %X This dissertation elaborates Islamic education thoughts in Hidayatullah Boarding School, Balikpapan. Two questions to answer in this research are how the thoughts of Islamic education ideology in Hidayatullah Boarding School are formulated; how they are implemented in the education process, and how they impact on the students. This research is a combination of a library and field research. The approach used is historical approach and verstehen approach. The data were collected through documentation, interviews, and observation. The data analysis used a scheme proposed by Creswell, namely the existing material was organized in such a way and prepared for analysis, and then all the data was reread thoroughly to be categorized in themes and descriptions (categorical aggregations). Afterwards, a process of interrelating the themes and descriptions was conducted to produce meaning groups, and finally the meanings were interpreted. This research applied several theories, i.e. William O‟Neil‟s theory of educational ideology categorization and Yoram Harpaz‟s theory of the basic structure of educational ideology. In terms of Islamic education, the theory used was al Jabiri‟s relation between Islamic education ideology and Islamic logic formation of bayani, irfani, and burhani; and Jawwad Ridla‟s theory on the polarization of Islamic education thoughts. The result of this study shows that Hidayatullah Boarding School of Balikpapan has developed the formulation of Islamic thought‟s which becomes the platform of its ideology as part of Islamic movement organizations in Indonesia. The conception is a genuine thought of K.H. Abdullah Said, the founder of the school, which was then maintained and developed by his successors as a movement organization. In Islamic education ideology context, the conception leads to the appearance of core values in Islamic education, namely independence, leadership, entrepreneurship, responsibility fulfillment, and problem solving, all reduced from the historical stages before the prophecy of Muhammad p.b.u.h. Then a gradation of ideological awareness appears in the stages of normalization, orientation, externalization, and objectification reduced from the first five surahs revealed, which is later called the systematic revelation. In addition, the attempts of ideological comprehension internalization on the students are done in two aspects, i.e. through classical praxis in teaching some subjects; and through non classical praxis like focused groups or halaqah. Therefore, the supporting facilities in the school like the mosque, the boarding house, and the school building become very important instruments. %D 2014 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib14705