%A NIM. 10140069 IQBAL MUHAMMAD GHOZALI %O Pembimbing : Anis Masruri, S.Ag., SIP., M.Si %T EVALUASI KETERPAKAIAN KOLEKSI SIRKULASI DI PERPUSTAKAAN DESA NGUDI KAWRUH DESA PUNDUNGSARI KECAMATAN SEMIN KABUPATEN GUNUNGKIDUL YOGYAKARTA (JANUARI 2012 - JULI 2014) %X This research aimed to evaluate the use of circulation collection by reciting the circulation (January 2012-July 2014). The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The data collection method in this research used documentation, observation, and interviews. The instrument used in this research is checklist. The population in this research were 4.462, and for the sample were 578 collections. The results is that the use of 000 class (public works) were 4,86%, the used of class 100 (philosophy) were 24,00%, class 200 (religion) were 9,57%, class 300 (social science) were 0,80%, class 400 (language ) were 19,45%, class 500 (pure science) were 5,17%, class 600 (applied science) were 2,30%, class 700 (art, sports) were 8,86%, class 800 (literature) were 5,29%, class 900 (history / geography) were 10%. The average percentage from the use of collection circulation are 9,03% , which are included in the interval of 0,01% <9,03% <24,99%. The meaning is that the collection circulation in Ngudi Kawruh Library were used. The highest percentage is class 100 (philosophy) with 24,00% and the lowest percentage of this collection circulation is class 300 (social science) with 0,80%. Suggestion, Ngudi Kawruh Library needs to conduct socialization to urge people to want to take advantage of the information in the library is book review program or user education. %K Keywords: the use of collection circulation, evaluation collection, circulation Studies %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib14877