@phdthesis{digilib14881, month = {October}, title = {EVALUASI KOLEKSI, SARANA PRASARANA, TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI PERPUSTAKAAN SMK NEGERI 1 KARANGANYAR DITINJAU DARI STANDAR NASIONAL INDONESIA (SNI) 7329:2009 }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 10140012 ENGGAR JENNY MUCHLAS }, year = {2014}, note = {Pembimbing : Dra.Labibah Zain, M.LIS}, keywords = {Keyword: library evaluation, school library, collections, infrastructure, information technology and communication of school library, SNI 7329:2009 }, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/14881/}, abstract = {The aim of this research is to describe the result of evaluation on library infrastructure of SMK Negeri I Karanganyar based on SNI 7329:2009. The significant of the research is to give suggestion to SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar?s library and as a reference for developing the collection, infrastructure, information technology and communication. This research uses qualitative method with evaluative ap proach. The method for collecting data is observation, interview, and documentation. The analysis uses descriptive approach. The theory states that the collected data is divided into two groups: quantitative and qualitative. The testing validity of data in this research is conducted with triangulation. The result of the research shows that out of 12 components of infrastructures, 8 of them have met the criteria of SNI 7329:2009. They are serial, information retrieval, additional school books, digital library materials, collection development, size of library building, information technology and communication, and tools and equipment. The rest 5 components have not yet met the criteria of SNI 7329:2009. They are collections, reading books, references information, library catalog, and room distribution. It is calculated that 62\% of the components has met of SNI 7329:2009 and the rest for about 38\% of the components has not met it. The researcher suggests to SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar that the library need to be upgraded on the development and improvement of collections, infrastructure and information technology and communication also some fields that has not met the standardization. } }