@phdthesis{digilib14890, month = {October}, title = { THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ANNA?S AND ELSA?S CHARACTERS BASED ON THEIR SPEECH ACTS IN FROZEN MOVIE }, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 10150065 PUTRI KURNIASARI}, year = {2014}, note = {Pembimbing : Bambang Hariyanto, S.S, M.A}, keywords = {Keywords: speech acts, movie, characters}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/14890/}, abstract = {Movie is one kind of popular works. We can get amusement when we watch a movie. However, we also can use a movie as a learning material to improve our ability in doing the communication. This research analyses the differences between two main characters of Frozen movie which is related to how they use speech acts in their utterances. There are two research questions in this research. They are how do Anna and Elsa use speech acts in their utterances? and what are the differences between Anna?s and Elsa?s characters based on their speech acts? This research is a qualitative research. To collect the data, the researcher uses documentation technique. Furthermore, to analyze the data, the researcher applies the theory about speech acts by Searle and Austin. After doing this research, the researcher finds that there are 134 data of Anna?s and Elsa?s utterances in Frozen movie. Then, these data are divided into five types of speech acts (directive, commissive, expressive, representative, and declarative). After that, these data are analyzed by using theory of speech acts from Searle and Austin. From the analysis, the researcher concludes that Anna and Elsa utter speech act utterances in direct and direct way. Moreover, they have fulfilled all of felicity conditions which are meant that they successfully perform their speech acts. The researcher also concludes that the differences between Anna?s and Elsa?s characters can be seen from their speech acts. In directives, Anna is concluded as a polite person whether Elsa is a commanding person. In commisives, Anna is concluded as a stubborn whether Elsa is a wise person. In expressives, Anna is concluded as a happy person whether Elsa is unhappy person. Last, in representatives, Anna is concluded as an informal or casual person whether Elsa is formal person. } }