%A NIM. 10150055 ZAINIYYATUR ROHMAH %O Pembimbing : Ulyati Retno Sari, M. Hum. %T SPIRITUAL IDENTITY TRANSFORMATION OF CELIE IN ALICE WALKER’S THE COLOR PURPLE %X The Color Purple (1982) is a novel written by Alice Walker, an African- American-woman. This is a great novel which brings the author becomes the first African-American woman who won Pulitzer Prize Award for fiction in 1983. The story, indeed, focuses on the emancipation process of an African-American woman namely Celie. Yet, it actually contains a moral value of spirituality. The spirituality becomes prominent when it changes several times and contributes to the character’s emancipation process. Its identity changes gradually until the character finds the most suitable and contented spirituality for her. In this way, this problem backgrounds the writers for conducting a research which aims to analyze the process of spiritual identity transformation experienced by Celie, to discover the effects of it on the character’s life and to find out Islamic perspective as a religion toward spiritual transformation. To analyze this research, the writer uses Kiesling et al.’s theory of spiritual identity development which consists of three spiritual identity phases of foreclosed (close), moratorium (crisis), and achieved (attainment). Besides, Islamic approach is also used to answer the third problem statement. This is a qualitative research with objective criticism for the analysis method. From the analysis, it explains that the first phase which engages to particular religion does not bring happiness in the character’s life. Instead, happiness can be achieved when she finally learns about new spirituality which is different from her previous belief. It is more essential for Celie because she achieves it through exploration. The transformation then brings positive effects on the character’s perception toward the God and the character’s behavior. %K Key words: African-American woman, emancipation, spirituality, spiritual identity transformation, Islamic perpective %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib14892