relation: title: PEMROSESAN INFORMASI BRAND IMAGE KAMERA NIKON PADA FOTOGRAFER JURNALISTIK DI YOGYAKARTA creator: MASNICO PRABAKRISNAWAN SETIADI , NIM 10730069 subject: Ilmu Komunikasi description: This research examines how brand image is created through information processing. Brand image reflects consumer’s perception towards a brand. It is created through a series of process, begun with certain things that stimulate the consumer’s five senses. Those things called stimuli will then be processed in the consumer’s mind untill finally brand image is created. Brand image consists of two components: brand associations, and favorability, uniqueness, and strenght of brand associations. Nikon is one of world’s leading camera brands used by photographers around the world. Its quality and performance are very well acknowledged. It has positive brand image created by its company. The brand image is reflected as “at the heart of the image”. By applying information processing theory, this qualitative research aims to examine how Nikon’s brand image is created in the mind of its users. The subjects of this research are news photographers who works in Yogyakarta. In addition, it aims to find out whether Nikon’s brand image created by its company is in accord with that one which is created in the subjects’ minds. Datas are obtained from indepth interview. This research concludes that Nikon’s brand image created in the subjects’ minds is adequately in accord with that one created by its company. date: 2014-10-20 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: format: text language: en identifier: identifier: MASNICO PRABAKRISNAWAN SETIADI , NIM 10730069 (2014) PEMROSESAN INFORMASI BRAND IMAGE KAMERA NIKON PADA FOTOGRAFER JURNALISTIK DI YOGYAKARTA. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA.