@phdthesis{digilib15041, month = {October}, title = {FACEBOOK SEBAGAI SARANA PERTUKARAN INFORMASI FOTOGRAFI (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF PADA AKUN FACEBOOK KOMUNITAS FOTOGRAFER JALANAN }, school = {UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM. 10730064 MAHENDRA ADI WIJAYA }, year = {2014}, note = {Pembimbing : Mokhamad Mahfud, S.Sos.I, M.Si s }, keywords = {Keyword: Facebook, Photography, Fotografer Jalanan Indonesia}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/15041/}, abstract = {This purpose of this research to describe and analyses about interaction about photograph with Facebook. This research using qualitative approach. And used qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Techniques used for collecting data are interview, observation, literature study and documentary Development of communication technology has become new life form of new media communication. One of the most populer social media in our time is Facebook. With just Facebook we can interaction with many people around the world. Make a new friend and share profile information. Community of ?Fotografer Jalanan Indonesia? or FJI wield Facebook as a media to share some information for each other member about photograph. Every content and post have past regulation to purpose a better information for a member of FJI. The conclusion of this research is generate if Facebook as a good media to share some information for each other member about photographExchange of this information are a life form alternative education and alternative media. When a social media has become one of solution to handle many problem. Include very expensive education in our time. } }