%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A LISTYANING RESTITIE , NIM. 10730050 %B FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN HUMANIORA %D 2014 %F digilib:15042 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %K Keywords: Avian, perception, problematic %T PENGARUH PELANGGARAN ETIKA PERIKLANAN PADA IKLAN AVIAN VERSI “AWAS CAT BASAH” TERHADAP PERSEPSI KHALAYAK (SURVEY PADA MASYARAKAT KELURAHAN PRENGGAN, KECAMATAN KOTAGEDE, YOGYAKARTA) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/15042/ %X Indonesian advertising world began in line with economic growth also progressing. Increasingly fierce global competition requires marketers to think to get the best way to master and maintain its market share. Competition among the advertising industry did not escape becoming increasingly stringent. In its development, the appearance of the ads continue to be refined by combining art and technology while adding an element of persuasion into it. Gradually, manufacturers sometimes pay less attention to problems of moral and ethical values in the advertising process. This seemed to be ruled out simply in order to win the market competition. The situation is alarming, especially for the layman who does not have a background study of advertising as public Prenggan Village, District Kotagede Yogyakarta who see the commercials advertising Avian problematic one version of "Awas Cat Basah" perceived as something ordinary. Seeing this kind of situation, researchers found the problem: "how much influence advertising ethics violations on Avian ad version of" Awas Cat Basah" to public perception in the community Prenggan Village, District Kotagede, Yogyakarta?". The method used in this study is the number of survey respondents, 97 respondents sex between 18 and 60 years old with a minimum education level Junior high school. Analysis of the data in this study, conducted using SPSS version 17. Testing normality obtained Asymp .380 and .509 Sig > ½ α (0.025) then said to be normal. While the value of the variable correlation is 0.379, and the coefficient of determination in this study was 0.144. Figures show that the proficiency level of ethics violations advertising effect of 13.5% against the rest audience's perception, is 86.5% influenced by other factors not examined in this study. %Z Pembimbing : Rama Kertamukti, M. Sn