@article{digilib15160, month = {November}, title = {EVALUASI HASIL BELAJAR RANAH AFEKTIF DALAM PEMBELAJARAN AL-ISLAM, KEMUHAMMADIYAHAN DAN BAHASA ARAB (ISMUBA) }, author = {DOSEN FAKULTAS TARBIYAH UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTS SUKIMAN}, year = {2014}, journal = {TAJDIDUKASI}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/15160/}, abstract = {The result of affective learning in teaching-learning of ISMUBA is learning result related to interest, attitudes and values. It is devided into five major classes arranged in hierarchical order on the basis of level of involvement, that is receiving, responding, valuing, organization, and characterization. In teaching-learning of IS-MUBA, the result of important affective learning to be measured, that is attitude and interest to a certain values in subject ISMUBA and willingness to do and accustoms the attitude or values in everyday life. The result of affective learning can be effectively measured by non test technique. There are some form of non test technique which applicable to evaluate result of affective learning, that is projective technique, attitude or interest scale, observation, interview, questioner, anecdotal records, and biography. } }