%0 Thesis %9 Doctoral %A Waryono Abdul Ghafur, NIM. 993156-S3 %B UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %D 2007 %F digilib:15165 %I Pasca Sarjana %K Kata kunci: Nabi Ibrahim, Tafsir Al-Qur’an %T Millah Ibrahim dalam Al-Mizan fi Tafsir Al Qur’an Karya Muhammad Husein Ath Thabathaba’i %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/15165/ %X Among various religions existing, there are the biggest three out of all namely Jews, Christian, and Islam that have the greater followers. Historically, conflicts have been occurring seriously though religion itself is not viewed as the only trigger. Based on the background of those three religions, it is interesting to see the figure of Abraham and his Millah or known in Arabic as Millah Ibrahim. A question raised here is who Abraham is and what his Millah is so that he becomes the most wanted figure by these three religions. From that matter, this dissertation is going to analyze the meaning of Millah Ibrahim according to Thabathaba’I through his work al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Qur’an. The choise of this interpretation is not only based on the the intention of introducing the interpretation of Mazhab Syi’ah, but also based on the representative of a new genre of interpretation using various approaches, including in seeing the problem on the difference and the relationship among the religious. Specifically, the analysis of this Thabathaba’I concept uses a historical approach. The objective of this study is to explore the idea development in the work discussed and to develop Thabathaba’I concept on Millah Ibrahim along with its underlying attributes. This study is hoped to get a new interpretation that can become the theology base in social relationship among religions and can be a scientifically academic contribution in the field of Qur’anic interpretation study. Abraham is a role model of prophet whose Millah becomes the ideal example in terms of religiousity. Millah Ibrahim is a belief and life practice done by Abraham. Following Millah Ibrahim means practicing and following his path in life, both vertically and horizontally. Millah Ibrahim is fithri and hanif. The understanding of Millah Ibrahim differs from the previous anterpreters and religion study observers views that emphasize on faith or iman, regardless the empirical practices known as syari’at, Therefore, Millah Ibrahim followers are not those with the same faith with Abraham , but also those faithful to Abraham teaching such as Islam. The development of Thabathaba’I concept is apart from its method and approach in understanding al-Qur’an holistically and comprehensively as well as the period of time surrounding it, that is, the presence of religion convergence, science and nation. The way Thabathaba’I interprets al-Qur’an both methodologically and epistemologically gives a wide influence, not only in Syi’ah community but also Sunni followers. He has pioneered Qur’anic interpretation using sources of inter religion, mazhab, and science so that the interpretation of al – Mizan can be said as encyclopedic interpretation as abig place where various sciences and arguments meet. The interpretation of Millah Ibrahim and inclisive and leveled Islam can be accepted by such scholars as Muthahhari, Taqi Mishbah Yazdi, S.H. Nasr, Muhammad Legenhausen, Farid Esack, Mahmud Ayub, Alwi Shihab, and Jalaludin Rakhmat. Though Nurcholis Madjid and Budhy Munawar- Rachman do not directly quote Thabathaba’i concept, their views are such similar to what thabathaba’i concept sees.