%0 Thesis %9 Doctoral %A Zuhri, M. Ag. , NIM. 0031011 %B UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %D 2007 %F digilib:15168 %I Pasca Sarjana %T CONTEMPORARY ISLAMIC STUDIES IN A PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE (An Analysis of Fazlur Rahman and Mohammed Arkoun's Thoughts) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/15168/ %X The development of Islamic studies in contemporary era seen from the perspective of either study object or society participation is unfortunately not supported by the increased understanding of Islamic teachings and aspects in community. The increased Islamic studies indeed produces negative presumptions understanding between analysts' subject and community as the object of thought. In fact, such dichotomy will be likely to create distancing phenomena between discoursing dynamics of Islamic studies and of community lslamizing. The mentioned facts as academic concern were the basic arguments to keep count of this dissertation. Based upon the above praxis and theoretical problem, this study tried to minimize dichotomous trends and distancing oflslamic studies. It was evident that assumptions coming in the society tended to be caused by the misunderstanding on intellectuality as well as on the essence of Islamic studies and community existence. Meanwhile, this research therefore put itself as an initial step in formulating Islamic studies in one dimension frame in society. To build understanding on those matters, this research set a case of thought of Islamic studies developed by Fazlur Rahman and Mohammad Arkoun (as material object) regarding their phenomenal figures in Islamic discourse in Indonesia despite their limited phenomenal meaning only in educated society. By using a theory of sociology of knowledge formulated by Peter L. Berger as a formal object or a theory of reading (approach) on material object, this study portrayed problems that included ( 1) what kind of external realities of Rahman and Arkoun's Islamic studies that drove the emerging of Islamic studies discoursing, (2) what objectivation process built in Rahman and Arkoun's intellectual steps in development of Islamic studies, and (3) how the existing objective reality of Islamic studies could be formulated by Rahman and Arkoun in a form of internalization in order to construct alternative thoughts in the current formulation of contemporary Islamic studies. The results of this study showed that contemporary Islamic studies analyzed by both Fazlur Rahman and Mohammed Arkoun were that religiosity discourse was as a dynamic knowledge in society and was built up in a dialectic pattern between three formulas: (1) externality dimension of Islamic studies existence reflected in Islam itself with its all aspects within as well as modernity and history, (2) Objectivation process of lslamic studies in thematic typifications, methodology, institution, language, and orientation fully reflecting implemented momentum of Islamic studies in their real area, and (3) natural process of objectivation that produced alternatives of thinking as analyst's subjective existential awareness and as a proof that the awareness was built by its objective strength. Therefore, those figures' ideas were always related in terms of the processes of extemalization, objectivation, internalization.