@phdthesis{digilib15188, month = {October}, title = {TRANSMISI PENGETAHUAN TIMUR TENGAH KE INDONESIA: Studi Tentang Penerjemahan Buku Berbahasa Arab Di Indonesia Periode 1950-2004 }, school = {UIN Sunan Kalijaga}, author = {043441 Abdul Munip }, year = {2007}, note = {Promotor:Prof.Dr.H.Machasin,MA }, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/15188/}, abstract = {This research aims at providing historical accounts on the dynamics of translation of Arabic books during 1950-2004 as a part of transmission of both Islamic knowledge and Islamic intellectualism from Midle East to Indonesia. The transmission has actually taken place since the first period of Islam?s arrival in Indonesia. Since the 1950?s, however, the transmission had been undergoing shifts in terms of process and path. These notes are specifically made to respond some research questions; (i)What roles did translation of Arabic books play among various paths of transmission of Islamic knowledge from Middle East to Indonesia?; (ii) Why did the dynamics of translation of Arabic books occur in Indonesia during 1950 up to 2004? Why were certain Arabic books translated in Indonesia? Who chose those books to translated?; and (iii) Could the models and strategies of translation fully transmit the content of Arabic book? To answer those questions, this research applies intellectual historical approach. The data are obtained from the intellectual books, book publishers, book catalogues, and the translation edition of Arabic books. The samples are purposively chosen. The collection of data is done using documentation, interviews and observations. Besides, the observation is done in UIN?s library and some bookstores in Yogyakarta, Magelang, Kaliwungu and Pekalongan. This study proves that, first the transmission of knowledge from Middle East to Indonesia intensively carries on up to now. Since 1950?s, the translation of Arabic Books had been a dominant way of the transmission and replacement of interpersonal one which dominated in some centuries. Second, the translation of Arabic Books covers four periods: (i) inception period, from 16th century until the middle of 20th century; (ii) development period, from 1950?s until 1970?s; (iii) acceleration period, since 1980?s until the new order?s collapse in 1998; and (iv) liberation period, from the transformasion era up to now. Third, there are five motives of the translation, i.e. religious, educational, economical, ideological, prevocational motives. Those who are involved in choosing the books to translate are translators, publishers, and others whose interest towards the books. Recently, the publishers dominate the selection of books to translate. Fourth, there are four categories of topic discussed in the books published until 2004, based on 1578 book samples, those are: (i) Islamic doctrine and its implementation, reaches 970 titels (61, 47\%); (ii) Islam and social studies, 272 titles (17,24\%); (iii) Islam and humanities, 331 titels (20, 9\%); and (iv) Islam and science, \% titles (0, 32\%). A few number of translation on Islam and science shows a week appreciation from publishers and translators against Arabic-written books science. Fifth, there are two models of translation: literal and free. The former was done from the beginning of translation of Arabic books until 1980?s as partly seen in the translation of Arabic books in to Javanese, while the latter is widely usedto translate Arabic books into bahasa Indonesia. It can be seen, from knowledge transmission, that both models can guarantee the transfer of content or knowledge from the original text.the default of content transmission is much more brought by the poor translator?s ability in translation, such as morphology, syntatactic, and semantics. The huge numbers of translation from Arabic into Indonesian has, in turn, boosted great development of Islamic discourse in Indonesia. The translation is distributed, read and referred. In addition, it is compulsory for a certain Muslim student organization members to read it. The main finding of this study is that the Islamic intellectualism tradition in Indonesia remains influenced by the Middle Eastern tradition. It indicates that the tradition of intellectualism in Indonesia is less independent. According to Dolby, the strong dependence on books from Middle East proves that the process of knowledge transmission is not actively adopted, it is passively adopted instead, although some are written by Indonesian writers as an indicator of active adoption. In Ridell?s term, the phenomenon reveals that the westward facing orientation in Indonesian Muslims remains high. Besides, the strong dependence on Middle Eastern intellectual tradition could bring about ?Arabization?, that is total acceptance of Indonesian people towards Arabic thought and culture. Islam came to Indonesia eight centuries ago along with differences of geography, sociology, politics, culture, problems and challenges between Middle East and Indonesia. Accordingly, it is extremely important to make some efforts to internalize Islam in line with the Indonesian?s characters and context instead of to force Middle Eastern characters to be fully accepted in Indonesia. One of those is encouraging the independence of intellectual muslims that can be proven through the works written by Indonesians themselves. } }