relation: title: PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DAN KONTEKSTUALISASINYA DALAM MASYARAKAT MAJEMUK creator: LIBRIYANTI, YUYUN subject: Pendidikan Agama Islam description: The reality of plural societies in some Muslim minority areas, do not close when touched on the possibility of things sensitive trigger conflict. Therefore, religious education has an important role in minimizing conflicts derived from religion, by not teaching religious education to partial (skin only). So that early awareness of understanding about the reality of a pluralistic society and the importance of living in harmony side by side is the contextualization of ideal learning of religious education. Key Words: Islamic Religious Education, the National Education System, Community, Religious Pluralism, Contextualization date: 2014-11-11 type: Article type: PeerReviewed format: text language: en identifier: identifier: LIBRIYANTI, YUYUN (2014) PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DAN KONTEKSTUALISASINYA DALAM MASYARAKAT MAJEMUK. TAJDIDUKASI.