%0 Journal Article %@ 2502-2075 %A SUKIMAN, - %D 2014 %F digilib:15208 %I Jurusan PAI Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan %J Pendidikan Agama Islam %K Kurikulum, kompetensi guru %N No. 1 %T RELEVANSI KURIKULUM JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM (PAl) TAHUN 2004 DAN 2005 DENGAN TUNTUTAN KOMPETENSI GURU DI INDONESIA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/15208/ %V Vol.1 %X Department of PAl educational purposes Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty ofUIN Sunan Kalidjaga geared to educate prospective teachers of Islamic religion (GPAI) in schools and madrassas. PAl teachers at the school have different demands competence with PAl teacher at school. But this time the students of Department of PAl educated with the same curriculum. That way if graduates can meet the demands of the Department of PAl competence as a teacher in schools and madrassas PAl Furthermore, it can be argued that the three main problems addressed in this study are: (1) how the development aspects of the curriculum objectives and competencies in the Department of PAl? (2) how the study materials in the curriculum development of the Department of PAl? (3) Department of PAl extent the relevance of the curriculum to the demands of the competence of teachers in Indonesia? The method used to reveal the problem is a qualitative research method Data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews and documentation. To analyze the data, this study uses filolofis approach and process analysis includes data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification. Theoretical framework used in this study is a theory about the competence of teachers in Indonesia, as contemplated in the Act No. 14 of 2005, Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 as well as the explanations in the Minister ofNational Education No. 16 of2007. The results showed: (1) The formulation of the basic competencies and indicators in curriculum subjects PAl as the elaboration and details of competency standards are stili too general to look not provide clear direction and operational assessment to determine material I courses that will support the achievement of these outcomes. (2) Development courses in the curriculum of the Department of PAl seen giving a larger portion on the mastery of the technical aspects of methodological and educational insight than the mastery of all aspects of the material substance of PAl's. In addition, subjects in the curriculum of 2004 and 2005 looks new curriculum is adequate to educate prospective teachers PAl and inadequate public schools to educate prospective teachers PAl for madrasah. This means the development of a curriculum study materials 2004 and 2005 have not beenfully curriculum relevant to the formulation of the competence of graduate of PAl, which is geared to be a teacher at the Sfhool and madrasahPAl 3) Description of formulas competencies ranging from competency standards, competency and major basic indicators of competence not fully meet the demands of the competence of teachers in Indonesia as stipulated in Law No. 14 of 2005 and the Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 16 of 2007. Thus the formulation of the development of competence majors, curriculum PAl Department has not fully relevant to the demqnds of the competence of teachers in Indonesia. Keywords: Department of PAl curriculum and teacher competence