%A TYAS AKBAR GUMILAR %J Pendidikan Agama Islam %T USAHA GURU PAl DALAM MENINGKATKAN RELIGIUSITAS SISWA KELAS VIII SMP ISLAM TERPADU ALAM NURUL ISLAM YOGYAKARTA MELALUI PENDEKATAN MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES %X Ideally, students who are educated in Islamic schools should have better levels of religiosity than the students of public schools. But in reality students of Islamic schools are hardly to control although they have good learning achievement. This is not out of the intensity of a meeting held between students and parents which resulted in a lack of parental supervision of their children. There is a specific approach adopted by teachers in SMPIT Alam Nurul Islam in improving students 'religiosity. The approach is a multiple intelligences. This research started from the question: How did the Islamic Education (PAl) teacher try to increase religiosity of students grade VIII SMPIT Alam Nurul Islam through Multiple Intelligences approach? This research is qualitative based on descriptive approach. The data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The collected data were then analyzed using the technique of data triangulation. The results showed that: 1) PAl teacher tried to apply multiple intelligence approach either in the lesson plan, the learning process both in the classroom and outside the classroom, 2) the teacher :s- efforts to improve religiosity of students grade VIII of SMP IT Natural Nurul Islam were varied and able to teach the habit of problem solving and creative habits, 3) the constraints faced by PAl teachers in improving student religiosity were more on the understanding the nature of multiple intelligences. Keywords: Business teachers, students Religiosity, Multiple Intelligences Approach %N No. 1 %K Religiusitas siswa %V Vol.1 %D 2014 %I Jurusan PAI Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan %L digilib15210