%A NIM. 09140114 SYAMSURIAH %O Pembimbing : Sukirno. SIP., MA %T ANALISIS MANFAAT PENDIDIKAN PEMAKAI PERPUSTAKAAN BAGI MAHASISWA SEKOLAH TINGGI PEMBANGUNAN MASYARAKAT DESA “APMD” YOGYAKARTA %X This study aims to discover the benefits of library user education of students of STPMD Yogyakarta. It used descriptive quantitative. This analysis has been done at STPMD Yogyakarta Library with accidental sampling method. The data was collected through questionnaires, interviews, observation, and documentation. The data were processed with SPSS tools (Statistical Package For Social Science) version 19 for windows. The variable that it used is singular which is benefits of user education. Moreover, the indicators to measure educational benefits of users based on the servqual theory are knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The result of this study indicates that the benefits of user education by students of STPMD Yogyakarta are considered significant whit the total value of 2.958. The value is detailed into an average of 2.97 for the knowledge dimension, 2.93 for the skill dimension, and 2.974 for the attitude dimension. According to the average value above, the benefits of library user education of STPMD Yogyakarta are categorized as statisfactory. In the implementation of library user education, guidance materials, facilities and infrastructure is improved and held, because it can provide a deeper understanding of the influence of user education. %K Pendidikan pemakai, Manfaat pendidikan pemakai %D 2014 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib15214