%A 033390 - BR DUDUNG ABDURAHMAN %O Promotor : Prof. Dr. H. Abd Munir Mulkhan, SU %T GERAKAN SOSIAL-POLITIK KAUM TAREKAT DI PRIANGAN ABAD XX %X Tarekat community in Priangan in the 20th century performed religious and social-political that keeps changing along with Moslems’ dynamic movement and political development of Indonesia. The change and diversity of the tarekat movement occurs in its three communities, namely: Godebag community in Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsabandiyah (TQN) Suryalaya, Wara’i community in Tarekat Idrisiyah Pagendingan, and Tijani community in Tarekat Tijaniyah garut. This research supports historical perpective of Islamic study particularly for development of subject of study “Islamic History and Culture at UIN Sunan Kalijaga. The research problem of this dissertation is “tarekat movement typology in social-political relationship in the 20th Century.” The main problem is on the framework of thinking that “the main movement of the tarekat community is developed based on the interaction of teacher-student as included in Sufi doctrine.” This, in fact, is a social-political dynamics that are experienced during the century.” This research discusses historical problems that are examined based on sociological-historical perspectives. To put it simply, facts about the movement process are exposed through historical approach. In comparison, analysis in social-political events of the tarekat community is conducted on the theory of “continuity and changes” as proposed by historians. On the other hand, problem analysis particularly refers to the theories of dyadic relationship concept by Karl D. Jackson, religion dialectic and social dynamic by Peter L. Berger, and social relationship in ritual system by Clifford Geertz . The dara are collected from documents, interviews result, and observation. In addition, data analysis and conclusion employ qualitative method. This research reveals several significance issues. First, the core of Sufi’s doctrine that is developed in tarekat ritual system functions to strengthen spirituality and morality of the tarekat community. Different Sufi’s doctrine in each tarekat result in different social-political relationship among those three participations of the tarekat community change along with the political changes of the government that rule both in colobial era and in the Indonesian independence. Third, the social-political movement of the tarekat community can be differentiated into: inclusive-pragmatism of Godebag community, exclusivism-fundamentalism of Warai’I community, and fundamentalism-pragmatism of Tijani community. Fourth, tarekat community movements promote spiritual and moral public education in social-political life in Indonesia. Based on findings, it can be concluded that social-political movements of tarekat community are lin line with Sufi’s doctrines that changes into various movement types. Therefore, tarekat community is predicted to develop changing social-political movements. Keyword: tarekat community, Social-political life, and Sufi’s doctrine %K tarekat community, Social-political life, and Sufi’s doctrine %D 2008 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib15222