%A NIM. 83017 /S.3 A. MALIK MADANIY %T ISRAILIYYAT DAN MAUDU'AT DALAM TAFSIR AL-QUR'AN (STUDI TAFSIR AL-JALALAIN) %X Al-Jalalain written by Jal-al al-Din al-Mahalli (died 864 /1459 A.D.) and Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (died 911 /1505 A.D.) has been one of the most familiar tafsir (the Qur’anic Exegesis) books among Muslims, particularly in the Pesantren (an Islamic Boarding School). Its popularity linked to the writer’s existence and a concise form and format so that it was easy to study. Both al-Jalalain’s popularity and the admiration to the writer sometimes brought with it an over-belief on every aspect contained in the book. There has been a tendency that the critical aspect of the student was declined during the book reading, as a matter of fact, Ulama’s (Islamic scholar) interpretation on al-Qur’an did not always give the truth’s warranty. Various weaknesses and even mistakes could happen in their interpretation. One of the weaknesses of the of the tafsir books especially found in a classical tafsir was that there were Israiliyyat and maudu’at stories in the al-Qur’an’s interpretation. The Israiliyyat as a story taken its source from Ahli Kitab has been long existed in the realm of Muslim’s knowledge. As the result, all tafsir books as stated by M. Husain al-Zahabi has been contaminated with this Israiliyyat, including Al-Jahilain. Ibn Taimiyyah has divided the Israiliyyat into three categories: first, the correctness was clear; second, the mistake was clear, and third, both the correctness and the mistake were not clear. The three types of Israiliyyat has been found in Al-Jalalain. This dissertation focused on the research in the second type of Israiliyyat, that was those considered clear in its incorrectness or at least it was incorrect according to some Ulama. The aim of the research was to answer the question why Al-falalain contained both Isra7liyyat and maudu’at elements and how the Ulama’s discourse carried out on it. The theoretical framework and the approach used in the research were a naqd al-matn theory (matan critic) in the hadits sciences (ulumul hadits) and an ‘Ismali abanbiya” theory (the prophet warranty of the sin) in a theology (kalam). It was found in the initial research that this dissertation included twelve stories containing problem that was grouped into three parts. First, Israiliyyat was found in seven previous prophet’s stories, second, there were two stories related to the prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h., third, there were three stories excluded from the prophet’s one, depicting a natural phenomena and the data of the previous Islamic community’s history. The twelve stories containing problem found in Al-Jalalain was observed its spread in the three previous tafsir books and the three following tafsir books in an intertextuality approach. The research showed that Al-falalain’s involvement in bringing the problem contained stories related to the spirit of age dominated the interpretation of the mufasir (the interpreters). Based on the data, both al-Mahalli and al-Suyuti became uncritical to the twelve stories, as a matter of fact, the stories were really not in line with the Islamic teaching in the face of the critical ulama’s perspective. Most of the stories were considered betrayed the principle of ‘ismah al-anbiya’, while the rest was considered lowering an Islamic image in terms of the knowledge and the logics of the humanity’s history. %D 2009 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib15246