%A 98.3.103 Moh. Roqib %O Promotor:Prof.Dr.H.Machasin,MA %T Kontekstualisasi Filsafat dan Budaya Profetik dalam Pendidikan (Studi karya-karya Ahmad Tohari) %X The continuous defeat of social, political, and culture aspects faced by the Muslim society today and the issue of global warning have resuscitated everyone. There was inharmonious relation between human and nature. While every social problem should be properly solved. Problems such as violence, inter-ethnic group conflicts, and natural disasters have not been explained properly. Some tried to explore prophetic tradition and local wisdom. Ahmad Tohari, who is well known as productive culture observer and same of whose works are translated into various languages offer problem solving in a form of fiction. This research will deal with the following questions. First, what is the concept of prophetic philosophy and culture in education? Second, how could it be contextualized in education? Third, how is it elaborated in Tohari’s literary fictional works in the contexts of education? Fourth, what would be the education in the future, if the prophetic education would be applied? This was a philosophical research in education applying both hermeneutic and genetic-structuralism approaches in inter-textual analysis found in Tohari’s work. It comes to the following conclution. First, prophetic philosophy is a type of reflective mode of thinking to empirical evidence finding normative truth and factual applicative one. Both contain efforts to activate the community so that it can form khaira ummah or ideal community. Furthermore, prophetic culture represents an element of organizing prophetic aspect in interindividual level and it can blend them into a group preserving human existence in line with the social tradition of prophetic culture contain transcendental aspects, amar ma’ruf or humanization and nahi munkar or liberation. Second, the contextualization of philosophy and prophetic culture in education aim at having a social-collective characteristic: its learning materials reflect transcendental values integrated with various fields of study and it is responsive to local culture; the methods and strategies of learning improve discipline and fun; everyone serves both as learner and teacher; the evaluation can be considered on the basic of its quality of prophetic tradition; the education institution provides an integration of science, technology, social-humanities and arts. Third, the concept of philosophy and prophetic culture found in Ahmad Tohari’s work has its particular characteristic on the integration of pesantren and Javanese tradition in the form of strong humanization and liberation values, so that it could reach a transcendental and progress direction. Fourth, the implication of prophetic education is that the education can be managed in prophetic tradition serving its proactive point for the development of science, technology, and arts or IPTEKS, having an applicative and appreciative aspect to local wisdom, and emphasizing a creative characteristic in building leaners with a good social spirit. The prophetic education is developed on the basic of Tauhid spirit emphasizing educative-integrative tradition covered science, technology , and arts or IPTEKS, local wisdom, reading habit, discussion, contemplation, and research utilizing available libraries. %K Filsafat, Budaya Profetik %D 2008 %I UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib15275