%A NIM. 09710006 PUSPARINA ARUM RAHMAWATI %O Pembimbing : Benny Herlena. %T HUBUNGAN KONTROL DIRI DENGAN KEPUTUSAN MEMBELI MAKANAN TIDAK SEHAT PADA MAHASISWA STIKES SURYA GLOBAL YOGYAKARTA %X The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between selfcontrol and decision making unhealthy food. The subjects were student of public health major of STIKES SURYA GLOBAL YOGYAKARTA the number were 106 students. Self control was measured by the scale of self control, while the decision making was measured by the own scale of decision making. This research used theory of self control from Averill (Ghufron, 2010), wich the aspect: behavior control, cognitive control and decision control. While the aspect of decision making theory from Peter and Olson (2000) consisted afetktive and cognitive. This research used scale method with likert scale. The analysis used correlation method with product moment to determine the correlation between self control and decision making on students. The statistical calculation result showed that correlatin coefficient was -0.257 with the scale of significancy p = 0.004 (p < 0.05). The result prove there was negative correlation between between selfcontrol and decision making unhealthy food. The result also stated the proposed hypothesis was accept. %K Keyword: self control, decision making unhealthy food, student of public health %D 2015 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib15408