%A NIM. 10710089 MUHAMMAD ARIF SAIFUDIN %O Pembimbing : M. Johan Nasrul Huda, M.Si, %J TA’DZIM : MAKNA KEPATUHAN SANTRI KEPADA KYAINYA %T TA’DZIM : MAKNA KEPATUHAN SANTRI KEPADA KYAINYA %X The aim of this research is to get a clear description of how behavior ta' dzim in students who embodied in obediencee to kyai. This research using methods research with phenomenology qualitative approach. A subject of study is good students son nor daughter in Islamic boarding school of Anwarussholichin Temanggung. The result is obdedience student’s a manifestation of ta' dzim to kyai based on believe about barokah that will get it one day. In obedience student’s and there are also an attachment who makes the relation between both more is settled. Obedience to the students extended kyai family’s. The establishmentof the process through a conditioning of behavior, the cognitive forming and believe forming . Tthe Meaning of ta’dzim is an attempt to get students and mandatory for success in learning and a search for knowledge. %K Keyword : ta’dzim, obedience, student and kyai. %D 2015 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib15423