%0 Journal Article %A AJI ANDA SIREGAR , NIM. 10710083 %D 2015 %F digilib:15424 %J PENDIDIKAN SEKS OLEH ORANG TUA PADA REMAJA AKHIR %K Key words: Sex Education By Parents, Youth Final %T PENDIDIKAN SEKS OLEH ORANG TUA PADA REMAJA AKHIR %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/15424/ %X This research was purposed to know and understand how parent teach their children about sex education The example of sex education that is given by parent such as; small discussion, giving some materials (religion, biology, sosial, and pschology). This qualitative research used the case study methode that has descriptive kind. In collecting data used passive participant observation and interview. The informants were two women as the perents that give sex education to adoletcent. the results of this study illustrate that the factors underlying the provision of sex education is the existence of the problems faced by adolescent, especially about sex before marriage.. Therefore, the role of parents is needed in providing sex education to adolescents. Factors which become obstacles in providing sex education for parents is the difficulty in communicating and discussing questions related to sex education. %Z Pembimbing : Maya Fitria, MA