%A NIM. 10710014 TITI TIAN HARTANTI %O Pembimbing: Satih Saidiyah Dipl., Psy., M.Si %T DINAMIKA REGULASI EMOSI PADA PASIEN HIPERTENSI %X This study aimed at finding the dynamics of emotion regulation and the factors of emotion regulation and its impact toward the suffered hypertension. The researcher used a qualitative approach of case study. The instruments were semi-structured interview and observation. The respondents were three hypertension people-two men and one woman- that all had been in productive age, namely 20 years. The results showed that there were different characteristics of emotion regulation processes experienced by each informant. The process is done by monitoring the emotions, modify emotions to evaluate the emotion felt. Those influencing factors were surrounding environment, temprament, physical condition of tiredness, and emotional problems in the factors, namely individual background (economy and personal characters), and spiritual dimension. The work done by informants in stabilizing emotions were coping strategy, that is releasing negative emotions, especially when under stress. One of informants work done including worship, relaxation and gather with others. %K Emotion regulation , Hypertension %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib15487