%A NIM. 10710056 FAJAR NUR’AINI DWI FATIMAH %O Pembimbing: Dr. Erika Setyanti Kusumaputri, M. Si., %T BUDAYA KOLEKTIF SEBAGAI PREDIKTOR KEPUASAN KERJA, MELALUI KEADILAN PROSEDURAL PADA KARYAWAN PERUM PERHUTANI DI JAWA TENGAH %X This study was aimed at determining the influences of collective culture to job satisfaction through procedural justice. Participants were 143 (N = 143) employees of Perum Perhutani of Central Java Region Division, KPH Perhutani Purwodadi and KPH Perhutani Surakarta. Instrumen of data collection in this study is using collective culture scale, job satisfaction scale, and procedural justice scale. Quantitative Correlation method was used in this research. The method of data analysis using a path analysis developed from regression analysis. The result of path analysis indicate total effect of job satisfaction is direct effect that is added to indirect effect of 0.192 + 0.188 = 0.38 (38%) and significant at P < .05. This means that hypotheses was accepted, there is influence collective culture toward job satisfaction through procedural justice on the employees, in which the higher collective culture exist, than will improve job satisfaction through procedural justice that also higher. %K Collective culture, job satisfaction, procedural justice, path analysis %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib15510