%A NIM. 10620011 KUKUH SUBEKTI %O Pembimbing : Retno Rahmawati, M.Si %T METODE ELEKTROPLATING PADA SUBTRAT TEMBAGA (Cu) DENGAN PELAPIS PERAK (Ag) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEINDAHAN DEKORATIF DAN KETAHANAN KOROSI LOGAM %X Metal craft currently is growing rapidly particularly copper craft. Nevertheless, craft is easily corroded. The corroded crafts leads to the decrase of the selling price. Coating of silver (Ag) using electroplating method (electric layers) is one way to protect the substrate copper (Cu) from metal corrosion. The coated copper is decoratively more beautiful. This study has several purposes including to obtain good results yamg coating. Knowing the value of the metal corrosion rate as a function of time and voltage function. Electroplating parameters used include the plating time of 600, 900, 1200, 1500 and 1800 seconds. Other parameter is the power supply voltage of 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 V. Corrosion resistance testing is done by soaking the substrate copper (Cu) in 10% HCl solution for 24 hours. Elekroplating process steps being taken to obtain good results, ie cutting the copper plate butting- degreasing- rinsing- pickling- rinsingsilver plating- rinsing- drying. From the research, it turns out the longer the coating process, the value of the corrosion rate decreases and decorative with a small voltage.The results of micro photo with the light microscope using a magnification of 100x shows that the layer of silver (Ag) can protect a substrate formed of copper (Cu) of metal corrosion. %K Keywords: Electroplating, Copper (Cu), silver (Ag), Corrosion of Metals %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib15704