<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "KONSEP PEMIKIRAN FIKIH SOSIAL K.H. ALI YAFIE"^^ . "The idea of social fiqh of K.H. Ali Yafie is one of the Islamic legal thought that describes\r\nthe public goodness which derives from Sharia laws and correlates with the development\r\nconcept of the government. The idea is much formulating various fiqhiyah principles and\r\narguments of the texts/nash to explain the importance of the concept of development as a means\r\nof social change in people's lives. However, the development in fact is not a concept that refers\r\nto the paradigm of growth that much emphasizes on purely economic orientation, but rather a\r\nconcept that refers to the paradigm of sustainability that affirms the values of goodness, welfare,\r\nand human spirit.\r\nThe views of K.H. Ali Yafie become the entry point for the writer to know more about\r\nhow the social fiqh thought of K.H. Ali Yafie responds to development policies of the\r\ngovernment. To clarify the curiosity of the writer, the following research questions focus on ,\r\nfirst, how the intersection of the social fiqh thought of K.H. Ali Yafie and the development?\r\nSecond, how the construction of social fiqh thought of K.H. Ali Yafie in response to the\r\ndevelopment? Third, what is the contribution of social fiqh thought of K.H. Ali Yafie in\r\ndescribing the content of the meaning in fiqh and sharia teaching contextually and adaptively\r\nto the context of development? To analyze the three questions, the writer will apply the\r\nsociological theory of development, the theory of adoption and adaptation, and the theory of\r\nsocial meaning. One by one of these three theories works to analyze each of question listed.\r\nMethodologically, this study is a library research that emphasizes on the analysis of\r\nthought of K.H. Ali Yafie through the study of his works and other works that intersect with\r\nsocial fiqh thought. In addition, to confirm the thought of K.H. Ali Yafie which are scattered\r\nin various writings, the writer uses the technique of direct interview to find out more on how the\r\ncorrelation of the notion of social fiqh of K.H. Ali Yafie with the government development.\r\nThen, various data will be analyzed by using a descriptive-analytical approach which\r\nconducting research steps: (1) describing the primary idea as the object of the research that is\r\nthe social fiqh thought of K.H. Ali Yafie . (2) conducting the analytical studies to a series of\r\nprimary ideas which are related to the social reality.\r\nBased on the research method, this dissertation found that the social fiqh thought of K.H.\r\nAli Yafie is correlated with the concept of the development-which became government policydeparting\r\nfrom the basic ideals in the development and basic values in Sharia teaching, that is\r\nto emphasize on the goodness collectively, to build a complete human being (insan kamil).\r\nTo realize this correlation, K.H. Ali Yafie adopts the contextual sharia teachings and adapts\r\nthem as the explanation mechanism of the government's development policy that refers to\r\npeople goodness in society. In addition, K.H. Ali Yafie uses a strategy of social meaning to the\r\nfiqh and sharia teachings to describe the values of Sharia through the structural approach, so\r\nthat the government's development policies can be accepted as a means to create a virtue. Thus,\r\nsocial fiqh initiated by K.H. Ali Yafie can be the thought of Islamic law that is responsive to the\r\ngovernment's development policies."^^ . "2015-01-26" . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PROGRAM PASCASARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "1130010002/S3"^^ . "FATHORRAHMAN NIM."^^ . "1130010002/S3 FATHORRAHMAN NIM."^^ . . . . . . "KONSEP PEMIKIRAN FIKIH SOSIAL K.H. ALI YAFIE (Text)"^^ . . . "KONSEP PEMIKIRAN FIKIH SOSIAL K.H. ALI YAFIE (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KONSEP PEMIKIRAN FIKIH SOSIAL K.H. ALI YAFIE (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KONSEP PEMIKIRAN FIKIH SOSIAL K.H. ALI YAFIE (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "KONSEP PEMIKIRAN FIKIH SOSIAL K.H. ALI YAFIE (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #16132 \n\nKONSEP PEMIKIRAN FIKIH SOSIAL K.H. ALI YAFIE\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Ilmu Agama Islam" . .