%A NIM. 06.31511/S3 WAHIDUL ANAM, M.Ag. %O Prof. Dr. H. Machasin, MA dan Prof. Dr. Suryadi, M.Ag. %T ‘ADALLAH AL-SAAHAABBAH DALAM STUDI HADIS (KEMUNCULAN, PELEMBAGAAN, DAN PEMBONGKARAN) %X One of the important themes in the study of hadith narrators is a discussion about companions and 'adalah al-sahabah. Some Muslims view is that companion is a class of men who occupies a very high degree. This is because their struggle and their services in maintaining and spreading teachings brought by Prophet. Therefore, some Muslims believe that the Prophet's companions do not need to be investigated as the other narrators. Ibn al-Hajar al- 'Asqalany said that: "Ahl al-sunnah have agreed that all the companions are fair; no one denies it except those who are reproach and from ahl al-bid'ah". The implication of the opinion that all companions are fair has never been studied, it is considered as 'adalah. The question that often arises is whether the rule of "kull al-sahabah hum 'udul" is a dogma or historical fact? Is this rule based on a historical analysis of all companions or is this only interpretation of the verses of the Qur'an and the Hadith that can be interpreted differently? From the backgroundabove, this study will examine the problem of companion justice in the hadith study, whetherthe conviction of hadith expert toward the rules of all companions are fair can be justified scientifically or not, when do the rules of all companions justice come and institutionalize? How Islamic thinkers are trying to unload these rules, and what implication will appear when the rule is dismantled? This research is a library research, which examines the history of the emergence, institutionalization and dismantling the rule of justice of all companions. Therefore, in addition to construct thought of companions’ justice since the emergence, institutionalization and dismantling clearly, this study is also directed to factors that influence the shift in thinking of companions’justice from one time to another time. The results in this dissertation are: First, the emergence of formulation of companions’ justice rule is inseparable from the history of Muslim politics. Indeed, after the time of al- Khulafa' al-Rashidun, especially after the political turmoil, there were many unidentified narrators mawdu '(false). Therefore, in the early days of Islam, all the narrators, including the companions of the Prophet, Hadith must pass the test of credibility, so that what they conveyed can be accounted for authenticity. This realities changed when the time of tabi'in, in which criticism protection toward companions was started on the generation of Imam Malik b. Anas. He stated that those who denounce one of the Prophet’scompanions, so he was not included of the truth. The statement of Imam Malik b. Anas was confirmed by Abu Zar'ah al- Raziy, stated that whoever was discredit the Prophet's companions, he was truly a zindeeq. The emergence of this idea is influenced by three motives, the religious thought, political and religious beliefs, which emerged and developed at that time. Second, institutionalization of the rule that all companions are fair,it cannot be separated from the political movement by al-Mutawakkil and Ahmad b. Hanbal. Ahl al-sunnah group got a place when al-Mutawakkil had a power. Ahmad b. Hanbal was appointed by al-Mutawakkil as ra'is al-muhaddithin, the leader of the scholars of hadith. This was an important moment as a milestone of ahl al-sunnah move. The position of ahl al-hadith was getting stronger, the study of hadith was also getting the attention of the scholars of hadith. In the development of hadith study, rule of kull al-sahabah hum 'udul, got a superb. The scholars of hadith in the next period, as agreed with what was said by Ahmad b. Hanbal, in which they gave a very high award to his companions, without loaded. This implies that the study of companion personal is not allowed and considered taboo. Third, rule of justice for all companions that established in the hadith study is dismantled by Syi’ah and modern Islamic thinkers, namely Ahmad Amin, Mahmud Abu Rayyah, and GHA Juynboll. According to Syi’ah, the companions had seized power that should fall into the hands of ‘Ali b. Abi Talib, so the companions involved the seizure of power was deemed to have done dalim to Ali, this means that considering the justice of all companions was same as legitimizing dalim action toward ‘Ali b. Abi Talib. Likewise Ahmad Amin, Mahmud Abu Rayyah, and GHA Juynboll, tried to revise these rules with normative and history approach. Fourth, theoretically, the dismantling of the rule that all the companions were fair implicated on changes of asl al-sanad (base sanad) from tabi'in to companions. This demolition also had implications on the value of hadith. The causes of the value of hadith cannot be used as proof not only from tabi'in to mukharrij al-hadith, but also from the companions itself, because it does not fulfill their intellectual capacity and personal integrity. Test of companion credibility does not mean an attempt to not trust companions as narrators of hadith, or an attempt to leave the hadith as the basis of religion, but instead, test of companion credibility is one attempt to strengthen hadith as the basis of religion. If the credibility of companions can be maintained and in accordance with the rules of kull al-sahabah hum 'udul, and supported a series of credible sanad to mukharrij al-hadith, the corresponding doctrine agreed upon by Muslims, are obliged to practice these hadiths. %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib16138