%A NIM. 03.3.372 FAHRUDDIN FAIZ %O Prof. Dr. H.M. Amin %T KONSTRUKSI NALAR DESTRUCTIVE-CRITICISM TENTANG ISLAM STUDI TERHADAP PEMIKIRAN ‘IBN WARRAQ’ %X Destructive-Criticism Phenomenon can be said to have emerged si nce the birth of Islam. In its development, this criticism does not only arise from the non-Islamic religions, but also from various groups, such as the modernist-atheists, orientalist, or even among Muslims themselves who are not satisfied with the interpretation of religion and religious praxis of Muslims. In the context of these DestructiveCriticism thoughts, Ibn Warraq can be said one of the important pioneers. As written in his book, Why I am not a Muslim , he claimed to have come out of Islam and chosen the agnostic path. Ibn Warraq in his academic career had thrown many issues "criticism of Islam" which he considered "destructive of civilization" . This dissertation generally raised two main issues, namely the historical background behind the emergence of Destructive-CritLcism thoughts and epistemological construction on Destructive-Criticism thoughts developed by Ibn Warraq. The first issue was explored from the perspective of hermeneutics while the second problem formulated its answer with philosophical approach. When viewed from the Insider-Outsider theoretical framework, Ibn Warraq could then be said at once as insider and outsider. therefore in this di ssertation he was categorized as an in-outsider, an insider who positioned him self as an outsider. What distinguished Tbn Warraq with other in-outsider figures (eg reform ers and innovators in Islamic studies) in Islamic Studies was his assumptions about Islam which tended to be destructive. The idea of destructive-patterned Islamic-Criticism carried by Ibn Warraq was triggered by historical disappointments experienced by Ibn Warraq himsel !'. both in his homeland and in the West. On the other hand, incidental events such as the death fatwa on Salman Rushdie, abuse cases of the Prophet Muhammad cartoons in the Danish daily Jylland Postend, bombing of the World Trade Center and the facts on negative Islamic history contributed to shape his opinions about all negativity of Islam. In generaL the idea of' Ibn Warraq could be referred to as nco-Orientalism as it \vas not much different from the idea of the old orientalists. He divided Islam into three clusters, namely Islam 1 (A I-Qur'an and its contents), Islam 2 (Prophet Muhammad and the Sunnah) and Islam 3 (Muslim religious praxis). Epistemological Construction of Destructive-Criticism Reasoning in general was based on two major assumptions, namely the 'fundamentali st' Islam and the importance of Muslims to take the West as the benchmark. Destructive-Criticism in its reasoning practice had three characters when dealing with the so urces of Islamic teachings, both theoretically and practically, by using the positivistic, reductive and atomistic modern realism paradigm in interpreting the phenomenon, as well as anti-hermeneutics. %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib16139