@phdthesis{digilib16296, month = {May}, title = {IDENTIFIKASI LEVEL PEMAHAMAN DAN MODEL PEMAHAMAN SISWA KELAS X SMAN 1 PUNDONG BANTUL DALAM MEMAHAMI HUKUM NEWTON TENTANG GERAK}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM. 08690027 ANIK MALUSSOLIKHAH}, year = {2015}, note = {Joko Purwanto}, keywords = {Keywords : Level of understanding, Model of understanding, Newton?s law of Motion}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/16296/}, abstract = {This study aims to describe the level of understanding and models of students' understanding of SMAN 1 Bantul Pundong in understanding Newton's laws of motion. This research is a descriptive method. Instruments data collection used tests and interview. Analysis data using qualitative descriptive approach which divided two stages. The first stage is an analysis to find the level of understanding and the second stage to find a model of understanding. Analysis of the data showed the first law of Newton or the case one have the highest levels of understanding is sound understanding found in item 1.B (85.6\%). The percentage of partial understanding have a highest level was found in item 1.A (64.4\%). The highest percentage of incorrect understanding, no understanding and no response in a sequence found in the case of 1A (11.5), 1.D (3.8\%) and 1.D (12.5\%). At Newton's second law or a case two, percentage the highest level of sound understanding was found in item 2.B (85.6\%), further to the level of understanding of partial understanding found in item 2.d (25\%). The highest percentage of the level incorect understanding and no response in a sequence found on an item 2.A (52.9\%) and 2.d (17.3\%). Level of understanding no understanding has the same percentage on each item about 3.8\%. At Newton's third law or the case of three, percentage level sound understanding found in 3.B item (95.2\%). The percentage of partial understanding have a highest level was found in item 3.C (69.2\%), the next highest percentage of the level of understanding are incorect understanding and no response was found in 3.A item (16.3\%) and item 3.d (9, 6\%). The percentage level of understanding no understanding has the same percentage for item 3.A and 3.C of 0.96\%. In the first and second law of Newton, students have an understanding that all models of optimum models, uncreative models, theoritical models, practical models, memorizing models and inapproriate models. At Newton's third law, there are no type of practical models. Model of understanding other or which are not included in the classification appearing on any of Newton's laws.} }