%A NIM. 10640023 LUCY ANA IKA CAHYASARI %O Dr. Liliana Baskorowati, S.Hut., MP. %T GAMBARAN STRUKTUR XILEM BATANG SENGON (FALCATARIA MOLUCCANA) TOLERAN DAN RENTAN KARAT TUMOR %X Sengon (Falcataria moluccana) is a famous species plant by farmers especially in Java, however, there is an obstacles in terms of growing since many plantations attacked by gall rust disease. There is no previous study in terms of structure stem xylem comparing susceptible and tolerant sengon to gall rust disease. Therefore, this study was undertaken to determine the differences of anatomical structure of sengon stem and to compare the xylem cell based proportions and dimensions of the stem xylem tolerant and susceptible sengon to gall rust disease. Samples used were 12. Six samples of stem tolerant from Wamena and six samples of stem susceptible from Solomon were used in this study. Samples were collected from progeny trail of sengon in Lumajang, Jawa Timur. Parameters measured i. e. the anatomical structures and vessel element, parenchyma apotracheal cell, parenchyma paratracheal cell, xylem fiber, fiber length, and fiber diameter. The result showed that there were no difference in terms of anatomical structure between tolerant and susceptible stem in cross section, tangential and radial section of periderm, phloem, secondary xylem (vessel cell, xylem fiber, and parenchyma xylem) and pith. However, it found in one of susceptible sample, there was a black reaction zone on the secondary xylem. Analysis variance showed that parenchyma paratracheal cell, xylem fibers, xylem fiber diameter and fiber length were significantly affected changes in the anatomical structure, while the other parameters were not significant. %K anatomical, gall rust, sengon, susceptible, tolerant, xylem %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib16393