%A NIM. 08730069 TYAS PERMANA %O Mokh. Mahfud, S.Sos. M. Si %T EVENT ORGANIZER SEBAGAI STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT PENDENGAR RADIO UNISI YOGYAKARTA %X This research is to describe the rule of Event Organizer as marketing communications strategy. Event Organizer As Marketing Communications Strategy in Increasing Interest in Radio Listeners Unisi Yogyakarta. EO Unisi success in organizing various activities affectthe advertisement of the client through Unisi FM radio as well as increased interest Unisi FM radio listeners. This study aims to determine, Describe the marketing communication strategyin order to increase the interest of the listener through the event organizer Unisi Yogyakarta.Describe the process of increasing interest in the listener through the event organizer Unisi Yogyakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative. The object of research is a program designed and run by the marketing department Unisi FM in implementing marketing communication through EO Unisi. Data were collected through documentation, observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques in a way to organize and sort the data into patterns,categories, and a description of the basic unit that can answer the research objectives. Once analyzed, a number of conclusions that marketing communications strategies to increase the interest of the listener through the event organizer. Event organizer organize activities off air in order to increase the interest of the listener as a form of marketing communication.Off air team is not only able to execute the event which has been prepared (subscription) from advertising agencies. Activities off the water which attracted many visitors in turn also increase Visitor's interest to follow the radio broadcast of the event held Unisi off water. Event organizer run by off air team, but Unisi FM not only running the services advertising. but also the promotion of sales through off-air events. %K Keywords: Strategy, Event Organizer, Marketing Communications, Unisi Radio %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib16665