%A NIM. 10730078 FATHOR RAHMAN %O Dr. Iswandi Syahputra %T RUNTUHNYA MEDIA MASSA ISLAM ALTERNATIF (ANALISIS KRITIS TERHADAP PENYEBAB MATINYA ULUMUL QUR’AN 1998) %X Journal Ulumul Qur’an is the Islamic alternative media. The alternative to various other Islamic media. Islamic alternative media is a term to be mentioned to show the face of the mass media that has the breath of a moderate Islam. Recognized or not, Islamic alternative media have participated to coloring Islamic media development in general in the country. Islamic Media Ulumul Qur'an even has a role as a medium for spreading the idea of pluralism, peace, and social integration. Today, almost no Islamic media that the main media. Therefore, Islamic media now is the Islamic alternative media, which is an alternative to the main media. The presence of Islamic alternative media such as Ulumul Quran in his time not to fight the power. But the power of the Islamic media alternatives to meet the public space with a discourse that encourages social integration and solidarity of several social groups who love diversity, tolerance, and civility. But amid great expectations in the ground the teachings of Islam, the Koran Ulumul slowly but surely sway. Media which was originally an example of how alternative thinking born of young children are restless witnessed outbreaks of Islamic radicalism in the New Order at the point of climax die. Media who from the beginning wanted to show the face of a friendly and tolerant Islam is ultimately to be folded. Ulumul Qur'an ceased publication since 1998 for reasons that are also uncertain whether the problem of financial crisis or other motives. %K Keywords: Alternative Islamic Media, Critical Analysis, and Journal Ulumul Qur'an %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib16676