%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A LUTHFI AFIF AZZAENURI, NIM. 10730100 %B FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN HUMANIORA %D 2015 %F digilib:16689 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Keywords : Framing, Media, News %T FRAMING MEDIA DALAM BERITA RUU PILKADA (ANALISIS FRAMING WILLIAM A. GAMSON DAN ANDRE MODIGLIANI PADA BERITA RUU PILKADA DI MEDIA ONLINE VIVA.CO.ID DAN METROTVNEWS.COM PERIODE 25 SEPTEMBER – 15 OKTOBER 2014) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/16689/ %X The polemic of regional election bill became a topic of discussion for politician few times ago. The supporter and the rejecter group of regional election bill agreed to keep consistent on each other’s politics attitude. Media which support those groups also involved in supporting them by publishing news that takes side to each group. Viva.co.id supported Merah Putih coalition (supporter of regional election bill), and Metrotvnews.com supported Indonesia Hebat coalition (rejecter of regional election bill). Two medias who in side with those two groups can be seen from the news on September 25th – October 15th 2014. This research is aimed to know framing which is done by Viva.co.id and Metrotvnews.com. Researcher uses framing analysis unit William A. Gamson and Andre Modigliani model and Robert A. Dahl democracy theory. Analysis unit used in this research is framing devices (Methapors, Catcchphrases, Exemplaar, Depiction, & Visual Images), and Reasoning Devices (Roots, Appeals to principle, & Consequences). While the analysis of democracy theory includes general election system (Proportional representative and First-Past-The-Post). This research result found that framing which is done by Viva.co.id who supported regional election bill was because the leader of Viva.co.id involved in Merah Putih coalition. While Metrotvnews.com rejected regional election bill because Surya paloh involved in Indonesia Hebat coalition. Every politician who has media tends to take the advantage of media to his own politic bussiness, also to build mass vigour to be consistent to their politic attitude. %Z Alip Kunandar, M.Si