%A NIM. 11730003 HAFIZHA RIZQA FEBRINA %O Dr. Iswandi Syahputra, M.Si %T PENGGUNAAN BAHASA ISYARAT SEBAGAI KOMUNIKASI (STUDI EFEKTIVITAS KOMUNIKASI NON VERBAL DAN NON VOKAL PADA SIARAN BERITA TVRI NASIONAL TERHADAP PENYANDANG TUNARUNGU SLB PGRI MINGGIR, SLEMAN, YOGYAKARTA) %X This research tend to define the effectivenes of sign language in news program entitled Indonesia Malam which shown by TVRI toward deaf student of SLB PGRI Minggir, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This research is quantitative research entitled “Sign Language Usage in Media; Effectiveness Study of Non-Verbal and Non-Vocal Communication by TVRI toward Deaf Student of SLB PGRI Minggir, Sleman, Yogyakarta). The deaf students of SLB PGRI Minggir, Sleman, Yogyakarta as sample. The effectiveness in this research measured by using analysis method called Direct Rating Method (DRM) through some aspects which are attention, comprehension, cognitive effect, affective effect, and behavioral effect as measuring instrument of effectiveness media. Data resource which used in this research is primary data throught questionaire or inquiry and documentation from books, internet, also archives. The outcome from this research is sign language usage in media is effective with the average points of attention is 3,76, average points of comprehension is 3,928, average point of cognitive effect is 3,74, average points of affective effect is 3,82, and average points of behavioral effect is 3,82. The scale point in Direct Rating Method table has average aspects points 75,95 which counted as Good in television news program. Sign language in media is effective and good to attracts student attention, the message which sent gives good and effective control effect for student who has good and effective attention in so they can get future guidances. %K Keywords: Sign language, intepreter, Indonesia Malam news TVRI, Direct Rating Method (DRM). %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib16692