%A NIM. 10730043 MARISA BIKRIY AZKIYA %O Fatma Dian Pratiwi, S.Sos.,M.Si. %T PESAN PROFETIK KAUM DIFABEL DALAM MEDIA SOSIAL (ANALISIS ISI TIMELINE AKUN FACEBOOK MAHASISWA DIFABEL UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA) %X In the real world, disabilities are often marginalized, the disabled often symbolic and even physical violence. Unlike the offline world, the online world has more support and power. Therefore, the rise of social media at this time easier for the disabled to communicate, share information, and convey ideas and opinions. One that is easy to use social media is Facebook. When the researchers looked at the posting up one of the students with disabilities of Islamic State of University Sunan Kalijaga, researchers assume that every message posted by students with disabilities have religious values, especially Islam. This fact indirectly accommodate from Prophetic Social Sciences (Ilmu Sosial Profetik). The title of this research is The Prophetic Message of Disabled People in Social Media (Content Analysis Timeline Facebook Account Disabled Students Islamic State of University Sunan Kalijaga). This research uses a quantitative content analysis. Data obtained from screencapture 71 posts from 6 account Facebook students with disabilities Islamic State of University Sunan Kalijaga. The research dimension among others "choice of words", "form the message", "the theme of the message", "message destination", and "quote revelation of God and the hadith of the Prophet". The results showed that the rate of chi squared (0.2) is obtained larger than the 0.05 level (5%). Thus, we can conclude that H0 (no prophetic message in the timeline Facebook account students with disabilities Islamic State of University Sunan Kalijaga) is rejected and Ha (there are prophetic message in the timeline Facebook account students with disabilities Islamic State of University Sunan Kalijaga) %K Keywords: Disability, Prophetic, Facebook %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib16709