%A NIM. 08710074 SEPTIANA INDAH MAHMUDAH %O Miftahun Ni’mah Suseno, M.Psi, %T HUBUNGAN ANTARA KEMANDIRIAN DENGAN SELF REGULATED LEARNING PADA SISWA SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 1 MINGGIR %X ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to exam the relationship between autonomy and self regulated learning in student SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir. The hypothesis is there’s a positive relationship between autonomy and self regulated learning in research subject. Subject in this research were 64 student SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir. Two scales were used to collect data, autonomy scale and self regulated learning scale. Product moment Pearson was used to test the hypothesis. This result showed a correlation between the variables of autonomy and self regulated learning, with a value of (r) = 0,723 p = 0,000 (p < 0,01), so the proposed hypothesis is accepted. This research found that there’s positive correlation between autonomy and self regulated learning in research subject. Keywords : autonomy, self regulated learning, student. %K autonomy, self regulated learning, student. %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib17019