%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A KHAIRUN NISA, NIM 11150040 %B Fakultas Adab dan Ilmu Budaya %D 2015 %F digilib:17723 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K translation, Arabic perfect tense, translation procedure %P 70 %T THE TRANSLATION OF AL-FI’L AL-MĀḌĪ IN MUHAMMAD IBN „ABD AL-WAHHᾹB‟S AL-UṢŪL AL-ṠALĀṠAH INTO “THE THREE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES” %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/17723/ %X This graduating paper is entitled “The Translation of Al-Fi’l Al-Māḍī in Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhābi’s Al-Uṣūl Al-Ṡalāṡah into The Three Fundamental Principles”. The object of the analysis is the Arabic perfect tense. This study is intended to find out the way to translate al-fi’l al-māḍī into English, to know what procedures are used in translating them, and also to explain the possible reason why those procedures are chosen by the translators by seeing the classification of al-fi’l al-māḍī and the effects implied by the use of procedures. The theories used to analyze are the theory of al-fi’lu al-māḍī, the classification of al-fi’lu al-māḍī, the theory of English grammar, and Vinay and Darbetnet’s translation procedure. The sentences containing al-fi’l al-māḍī are taken as the data. The method used to collect the data is documentation while the method used to analyze is qualitative descriptive. The analysis shows that al-fi’l al-māḍī are translated into English in various ways, which include English simple present tense, English past tense, English present perfect tense, English simple future tense, English passive voice, English noun, and even zero translation. Moreover, there are three kinds of translation procedures in this analysis. They are transposition, literal translation, and modulation. The possible reasons why those procedures are chosen by the translators because genarally they want to maintain the SL message. More specifically, transposition is chosen because they want to adjust the time aspect of SL with the time aspect of TL, literal translation is chosen because SL and TL have the same language structure, and modulation is chosen because they want to make the reader easy to understand the SL text and also make the SL culture acceptable in the TL culture %Z FUAD ARIF FUDIYANTO.M.Hum, M.Ed