%A Nuning KHAMIDAH %J AL BIDAYAH %T INTEGRASI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER BERBASIS AGAMA ISLAM DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH %X Every Indonesian child has the right to an education that develops proper character. Education with character building will not only produce smart children but also children with high human values. School can develop well if all school components are actively involved and work as a team. Teachers and parents should have the same vision as all have the responsibility to guide the children. Parents are the most important part of child’s character development process. Each person works as part of a team to create a conductive atmosphere in school so that implementation of character education can be optimized. The main goal is that studens can put those main values into practice in their daily lives. Character development is done in various techniques such as positive reinforcement, story-telling, group activities ect. Keywords: Education, Character. %N 2 %K Education, Character %P 235-251 %V Vol. 6 %D 2014 %I PROGRAM STUDI PGMI FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA %R 001 %L digilib18439