%A NIM. 08650033 FATHAN TRIKURNIAWAN %O Mustakim, MT %T RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM ENTERPRISE TERINTEGRASI PERUSAHAAN RENTAL MOBIL MENGGUNAKAN TEKNOLOGI WEB SERVICE DENGAN LIBRARY NUSOAP %X Search for car in rental car when it is determining what he'll rent, but he has yet to find out where the place to rent a car that he was looking for. Because of that, searchers will be confusion in determining the rental car company that rented a car that they want. Car rental company development system installed in every car rentals and car rental search system used by the car search, from the two systems do systems integration . The integration of car Finder to help in finding the desired car by car search. Integration system using web service technology with library NuSOAP. Web service sends the server system's functionality as a service to the client. The purpose of the use of web services is to facilitate the search of a car in a variety of various car rental. The functionality of systems designed using the Unified Modelling Language (UML). The resulting system can display data from a server (perusahaan car rental) to the client (the seeker). Data shown is the name of the rental car, the type of car, and car rental rates. The test results showed that 9524% of respondents stating the functionality of the system to function properly. As many as 36,67% of respondents strongly agreed and 52,22% agree to usability system is good. %K Car Rental System Integration, Car Search, The Library NuSOAP, UML, Web Service %D 2015 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib18537